In business there are ups and downs, and it's important to embrace both as steps on our journey to improvement.

At DES, we are transparent about the full spectrum of our experiences — both the victories and the setbacks.

Transparency in All Circumstances

We know that many companies like to share their successes, such as winning tenders or entering into new partnerships. But when things go wrong, it is often quiet. We are different. At DES, we also share our losses and setbacks because we believe that these moments are just as valuable for our growth and for building an authentic and sustainable relationship with our network.

Focus on Strengths

We recently lost a large tender in the north of the Netherlands. Despite this, we are happy with the confirmation of our core values ​​and unique strengths as a security company.

Leadership in SROI

During this process, it was noted that we are a forerunner in the field of Social Return on Investment (SROI). This is an encouragement for us to continue investing in social goals.

Learning Moments as Opportunity

Every experience, good or bad, is a learning moment and an opportunity to grow. We are now more motivated than ever to serve our customers, partners and society even better.

We would like to thank everyone involved in this tender. Your feedback and support are essential to us as we continue to learn and strive for excellence.

On to the next challenge!

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