Explore Our New Training Center: Your Destination for Elite Security Training

Dutch Empire Security B.V. (DES) is excited to announce the successful launch of our advanced training centre, a leading institute in the world of security education and crisis management.

A Spectrum of Expertise Trainings
At DES, we not only offer excellent First Aid and Emergency Response courses, but have expanded our offering to include specialised OMA (Dealing with Aggression) courses and conflict management training. These courses are crucial for professionals working in challenging and high-risk environments, where managing aggression and conflict is essential.

Expert Training in Emergency Response and Safety
Our first First Aid course was an overwhelming success and a living example of our commitment to safety and competence. The course combines theory with practical skills, focusing on effective emergency response and crisis management.

Dedication to High-Quality Security Training
At Dutch Empire Security B.V. (DES), we strive to train all our security guards to become First Aid certified professionals. We believe that well-trained security guards play a vital role in ensuring safety. This ambition reflects our commitment to providing superior service to our clients and emphasises the importance we attach to continuous professional development.

Participate in Future Courses
We invite you to participate in our upcoming BHV, EHBO, OMA and conflict management courses. These are designed to provide the practical skills and expertise needed in today’s security world.

An Invitation to Collaborate
DES is open to collaborations with other organisations in the security and safety sector. Our training centre provides the perfect environment for offering high-quality training.

Your Partner in Safety and Expertise
For more information about our courses or collaboration opportunities, we invite you to contact Dutch Empire Security B.V. (DES). Together we will build a safer and more expert future. Whether you are an individual looking to take a course or an organization looking to use our facilities, DES is here to help.

Visit our contact form at https://dutchempiresecurity.nl/onze-academy/ for more details and to express your interest. We look forward to working with you to increase safety and expertise in our community.

#DutchEmpireSecurity #DES #BHVTraining #EHBOCursus #OMACursus #ConflictManagement #VeiligheidVoorop #SecurityExcellence #BeveiligingsExpertise #Beveiliging #Rotterdam

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