
Disclaimer Dutch Empire Security B.V.

The content of this website is solely intended to provide information about Dutch Empire Security BV and related companies and the services they provide.


Access to and use of the websites (hereinafter: The ‘Website’) of Dutch Empire Security BV is subject to the terms and conditions below. Use of the Website implies full acceptance of these terms and conditions. All data and information on the Website are made available for informational purposes only. Despite the fact that the utmost care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information, Dutch Empire Security BV cannot guarantee the completeness and correctness of the information on the website, or on the websites of third parties to which reference is made by means of a link. The information on this website can be changed without prior notice and at any time.


By visiting this website, you agree that, to the extent permitted by law, Dutch Empire Security BV shall not be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential damages, whether in contract, negligence or other tortious behaviour, related to (a) the use of information and/or services of this website and/or as a result of the use of information and/or services of websites linked to this website, and (b) the performance or non-performance of the website itself.

The provision of services by Dutch Empire Security BV is subject to Dutch Empire Security BV's General Terms and Conditions of Service, which can be downloaded from the website.

Intellectual property rights

This website is the property of Dutch Empire Security BV. All copyright and other intellectual property rights on the content of this website, including the trademark, patents, text, design and images and sounds, belong to Dutch Empire Security BV.

The content of the website may not be reproduced, modified and/or published without prior written permission of Dutch Empire Security BV, subject to restrictions set by law. You may only store the material available on these pages on your own computer or print it if it is solely intended for your own, non-commercial use.

Photographing and publishing employees, buildings or other property of Dutch Empire Security BV is only allowed after written agreement by Dutch Empire Security BV.

Links to third party websites

Dutch Empire Security BV is not responsible for the content of the websites linked to the Website, nor for the information, software, products and services available on or through these sites. A link to another site is for your convenience only. Dutch Empire Security BV does not accept any obligation or liability in this respect. Without prior permission of Dutch Empire Security BV, framing and creating a hyperlink to the Website is not allowed.


All information provided by you to Dutch Empire Security BV will be considered as confidential information and, unless explicitly stated otherwise, will not be disclosed by Dutch Empire Security BV to third parties, unless required by law or by the judicial authorities.

You can find more information about how Dutch Empire Security BV handles your data in our privacy policy.

Governing law

These terms and conditions, as well as any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with the terms and conditions, shall be governed by Dutch law. Any such disputes and/or claims will be exclusively submitted to the competent court in Rotterdam.

Amendments to these terms and conditions?

We may amend these terms and conditions and our general terms and conditions from time to time. Amendments will be published on our website. It is therefore advisable to consult our terms and conditions regularly so that you are aware of these changes.

Entry into force

These terms and conditions entered into force on: September 2022.